4 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System Quickly


The immune system plays a crucial part in defending the body against possible infections. Individuals with a weakened immune system are more likely to get an infection (e.g., the common cold and flu) as compared to those with a more robust one. Maintaining a healthy immune system is as simple as exercising regularly, having a well-balanced diet plan, and getting enough rest or sleep. While this may seem simple, it's easy for one to forget about their overall well-being, leading to poor health and weak immunity.

If factors such as lack of sleep or poor eating habits have taken a toll on your immunity, you still can help it recover. You can boost your immunity by managing stress, taking supplements, trying to get as much rest as possible, and, most importantly, drinking lots of water. Discussed below are some of the best ways to have a stronger immune system.


Reduce Your Stress

Stress is one of the inevitable things in life. It is one thing to be stressed over something and another to know when to stop; getting stressed for too long will only make your life miserable and take a toll on your health. Stress, according to research, is one of the leading causes of a weakened immune system in many individuals and contributes to heart-related conditions as well. This is because stress triggers increased production and the presence of cortisol in the body and bloodstream, causing your immune system to suffer. Cortisol is only needed in short bursts.

Learning to manage stress can help keep your cortisol levels in check, improving your immune system in the process. A few simple steps, such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, listening to relaxing music, and taking a walk, can help manage stress. You might also want to talk to a therapist for professional help if none of these seem to work.


Take Colloidal Silver Supplements

Colloidal silver is a naturally occurring compound with potent anti-inflammatory properties. According to research, colloidal silver can help prevent some strains of bacteria from mutating, hence could be used as a natural antibiotic treatment. Taking colloidal silver supplements can thus help improve your body's ability to fight various disease-causing microbes.

Colloidal silver might not have a direct impact on your immune system. But it can help lower your risk of contracting infections from various bacterial and viral strains. Both past and recent studies have shown colloidal silver to be effective in fighting more than 650 exotic and common infections and diseases and MRSA.


Drink More Water

More than 65% of the human body is made of water. Water plays a crucial role in maintaining cell turgidity, body temperature, and blood pressure and helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the various parts of the body. In addition to this, it helps flush out toxic waste from the body. These are some of the reasons why doctors and health experts advise us to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated.

Unknown to many, dehydration can worsen certain conditions, such as joint pain, arthritis, insomnia, leukemia, lymphoma, and depression. Staying hydrated by drinking lots of water is thus one of the best ways to improve your immune system. Make a habit of reaching for your water bottle whenever you're thirsty instead of fizzy drinks, alcohol, or fruit juice for a healthier you.


Take Probiotic Supplements

Probiotics can be defined as the "good" bacteria that help maintain gut health. They make the largest portion of your overall immune system. Probiotics do occur naturally in the human gut.

There are times when bad bacteria overwhelm good bacteria, increasing the risk of infections and diseases. Taking probiotic supplements does, however, help restore good health in the digestive system, boosting your immune system in the process. Adding foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, pickles, kefir, grapefruits, etc., can also help boost your gut health and overall immune system.

Focus on a healthy diet plan. Get plenty of rest or sleep. Exercise regularly. These can help keep your immune system in check.

If your current lifestyle makes some, if not all, of these elusive, it would be advisable to take extra steps to support your immune system. Follow the four simple ideas outlined above. These can improve and keep your immune system in check.

Categories: Immune_system

About Author

Katrina Olson

Katrina Olson is a resident of Tallahassee, FL, and is a public relations manager. It brings her great joy to share her experiences - there are a lot! Some of Ruby's passions include aquatic biology, basketball, and jazz.