8 Proven Healing Properties Of Silver



Has Antiviral Properties

The benefits of colloidal silver also include acting as an antiviral for pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, shingles, warts, and herpes. It essentially suffocates the virus and even reduces the activity of HIV/AIDS in patients. There are also many anecdotal accounts for the efficacy of colloidal silver against the hepatitis virus.

Based on a study published in the International Journal of Nanomedicine, the silver particles are able to reduce the infectivity of viruses, which helps to block the interaction of the virus in the cell. This will probably depend on the zeta potential and the size of the zeta nanoparticles. Smaller-sized particles can generally inhibit the infectivity of viruses included in the study.


Helps Treat Pink Eye And Ear Infections

While more research is necessary to understand the full potential, the antibacterial and antiviral properties of colloidal silver might be helpful in fighting some common infections. For instance, pink eye is often caused by an inflamed mucous membrane covering the eyeball and the lining of the eyelid and is a result of a viral or bacterial infection. Colloidal silver can be used to quickly resolve this highly infectious and irritating bacteria or virus under the instructions of your doctor. When silver is applied to an infected eye, the small silver colloids will be used to identify and eliminate any infected cells through electromagnetic attraction and move them to the bloodstream to be eliminated.

Modern prescription drugs are designed to work against different classes of bacteria, but ear infections can be caused by multiple bacteria classes or even fungal infections. For such cases, the prescription antibiotics might be useless, while a colloidal silver treatment will be effective no matter what caused the infection. Still, more research is needed to fully understand the safety and mechanisms of colloidal silver for ear infections, pink eye, and other viral/bacterial issues. However, we know that it remains an effective antimicrobial agent that has helped countless people address these conditions.


Promotes Wound Care And Skin Health

Colloidal silver also stimulates the healing of the skin and other soft tissues. Pharmacognosy Communications published a research article in 2012 that specifically recommended certain colloidal silver preparations for topical use for the treatment of thrush, burns, periodontitis, and other conditions. For example, it's possible to treat ringworm at home using colloidal silver as it's a very potent antifungal. Ringworm shows up as round, scaly patches and is caused by a fungus that lives on the top layer of the skin. It's contagious and could be spread through skin contact or contact with contaminated material like clothing.

Colloidal silver can be helpful in treating other skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. It's also soothing for scrapes and can help repair tissue damage from burns. For example, a nanogel made with colloidal silver was used to successfully dress superficial pellet gun wounds in a study published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. Since then, silver nanoparticle gel dressings for wounds and chronic wounds are becoming a lot more common. Historically, topical silver was used on burns, but usage was stopped following the advent of antibiotics. This was until the 1960s when it became popular again.

A combination of sodium sulfadiazine and silver nitrate is used to create SSD creams, which help burn recovery in many patients. In addition, applying a silver coating to a specialized foam in a wound vacuum system helps to provide antibacterial activity in vitro. Based on current research, this technology can be helpful in preparing infected or chronic venous stasis wounds for skin grafting, which should ultimately lead to better healing.


Antibacterial And Antimicrobial

The ability of colloidal silver to control antibiotic-resistant bugs has proven impressive. There are over 650 different kinds of disease-causing pathogens that were shown to be destroyed in minutes after exposure to small amounts of silver. Unlike modern antibiotic prescriptions, Colloidal silver simply doesn't seem to create immunity or resistance in organisms that it kills.

This point can't be overemphasized, especially in light of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reporting that over two million people in the U.S. suffer illnesses each year of antibiotic-resistant infections. About 23,000 of these die from infections. Additionally, research published in the Journal for Alternative and Complementary Medicine supports the ionic colloidal silver as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that's effective against both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. However, its activity wasn't as pronounced as fungi.

There are many benefits of colloidal silver for the body, including providing a number of medical uses through its direct effect on cellular respiration. Some of its healing properties are particularly supported by medical literature. In fact, colloidal silver boasts eight of them, and you learned more about them in this article.

First, you saw how silver can be used against the flu/common cold and how it helps the body fight against pneumonia. Next, you learned about its anti-inflammatory properties; after which, we covered the antimicrobial properties of silver. We then wrapped up how silver can be used in skin care. If you read through this point, good; now, you are aware of silver's proven healing properties.

Categories: Properties

About Author

Katrina Olson

Katrina Olson is a resident of Tallahassee, FL, and is a public relations manager. It brings her great joy to share her experiences - there are a lot! Some of Ruby's passions include aquatic biology, basketball, and jazz.